Want to learn more about sea turtles?
Worldwide there are only seven seven species of sea turtle, all protected under the endangered species act. The Leatherback, Flatback, Green, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, and Kemp's Ridley.
Sea turtle nesting seasons vary around the world but here in Florida, nesting season begins in March with massive leatherbacks coming ashore, followed by loggerheads, and green sea turtles with nesting continuing all the way into October. On occasion, Florida may even see a rare Hawksbill and/or Kemp's Ridley nest!
Once the hatchlings emerge they will make their way toward the sea and to the Sargasso seaweed miles offshore where they survive by floating on the seaweed and feeding on the marine creatures also inhabiting it. After a few years in the middle of the ocean, the juvenile marine turtles begin to make their way towards inlets and nearshore reefs, finding protection under reef ledges and feeding on the reef algae. This is where East Coast Biologists comes in! Our research focuses on how these juvenile green turtles utilize these reefs, learn more on our research page!
Turtle Trivia
Green Sea Turtle
About 100-120 ping pong ball shaped eggs
Tiger Sharks
Sea turtles often mistake balloons and plastic bags for their favorite jellyfish meal.
Leatherbacks can reach 6-7ft in length and capable of reaching weights of up to 2000lbs, or about the weight and size of a small car.
Kemp's Ridley
Do not touch the turtle and call your areas wildlife hotline. Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission Hotline: 888-404-FWCC (3922)
About the size of an average seashell, unless you're a leatherback hatchling in which case maybe two seashells.